Dear Marketers, stop dumping my social feed with copy paste GPT junk

GPT is absolutely mind-blowing! It has revolutionised my approach to reading, writing, and researching in every aspect of my life. I find myself discussing GPT with others, curious about their thoughts and our collective future. I am excited more than I am nervous.

ChatGPT has become an indispensable daily tool for me and I ask it the silliest questions. I’d be more embarrassed to reveal my GPT history than my Google search history. I wholeheartedly indulge in the GPT experience, following every GPT meme handle on Instagram and Twitter. I’ve also been watching the Twitter and LinkedIn bros riding the AI gravy train, passionately amplifying every AI-based news or rumour. 

I have started to notice a sudden rise in copy paste articles (for the sake of SEO) and social media posts that lack originality. Sure, let’s use GPT, but can we be a little clever in how we go about doing so. People are using it to frame emails and responses when they could simply write it themselves. It’s not too hard to look at a paragraph and tell whether this was GPT generated or the person sharing it with you has just recycled it through GPT.

I want to rant a little bit more on this and I’ve broken it down to three parts. 

I see you copy pastor!

SEO marketers and social media execs, this one’s for you! We all have those days when publishing something becomes a mundane task. But mindlessly copy-pasting GPT-generated content onto our timelines is a dangerous path to follow. Trust me, the algorithms of Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are smart enough to catch on, resulting in shadow-banning and potential tutt-tutts from clients or employers.

Copy-paste junk reeks of a lack of original thought and creativity. While shortcuts are appreciated, brainless shortcuts that lack depth and value won’t cut it. At least not for me and I bet you’ll struggle to re-read that gibber yourself.

Instead, use GPT as a source of inspiration. Sprinkle it with personal insights, examples, and unique perspectives. 

Show me your personality man!

If you’re writing – 10 things to remember before hiking up Mont Blanc, I want to read more about your struggles hiking up Mont Blanc. Did you find it easy or difficult? What did you forget to take with you when hiking Mont Blanc and how did that impact your hike? Inject your personality, insights, and unique flair into your content. Strive for authenticity and deliver value that resonates with your readers. Use GPT as a tool for generating ideas, outlining content, and expanding your perspectives. However, take the time to analyse, interpret, and contextualise the generated content to provide a well-rounded perspective.

100k followers, 10 likes, 1 comment

If you’re not excited about the generic brainless dump you’ve published, how can you expect your audience to appreciate it? Sure! Your juniors, your mom and your favourite aunt will like everything you post but you and I both know that kind of engagement won’t keep you in the running. 

The Instagram, LinkedIn algos will catch on, and you’ll find yourself googling – why am I shadowbanned? Clients, seniors, and colleagues won’t be fooled for long. Losing trust is a high price to pay and it’ll show in dwindling engagement metrics. Understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Craft content that addresses their specific concerns and offers practical solutions. By doing so, you will foster meaningful engagement and create content that genuinely connects with your readers.

I asked GPT to tell me what it can’t do for you and it’s limitation. Right from the horse’ mouth if you like some copy-paste.

While GPT is an impressive language model and a powerful tool for generating text, it has certain limitations that make it unreliable as the sole source for writing. Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has highlighted some of these limitations.

  • Lack of factual accuracy: GPT generates text based on patterns and examples from its training data but does not possess real-world knowledge or factual understanding. It can produce information that may not be accurate or up to date. Verifying facts and conducting independent research is crucial when using GPT-generated content.
  • Biases in the training data: GPT is trained on a vast amount of data from the internet, which can include biased or controversial content. This training data can influence the responses generated by GPT, potentially perpetuating biases or stereotypes. Careful review and editing are necessary to ensure fairness and avoid unintended biases in the generated text.
  • Lack of context and common sense: GPT may generate text that lacks context or common sense reasoning. It can provide plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical information. Writers need to review and interpret the generated content to ensure it aligns with the intended context and conveys accurate meaning.
  • Inconsistent quality: The quality of GPT-generated text can vary. It can produce impressive results in some cases but may struggle with coherence, structure, or relevance in others. Relying solely on GPT without human oversight can result in inconsistent and subpar writing.

Given these limitations, it is important to use GPT as a tool to enhance and assist the writing process rather than relying on it completely. Human judgement, critical thinking, and editorial review are essential to refine and improve the generated content for accuracy, clarity, and coherence. Sam Altman and OpenAI have emphasised the importance of responsible and cautious use of GPT, recognizing its potential but also acknowledging its limitations.